Friday, August 04, 2006

This picture is from the snow we got this past December on the 1st and 2nd. It stuck around till the 18th and then left. That was probably the least snow we've had in the 4 winters we lived here, certainly less than the 3ft we had the previous winter! Stephen is still complaining about that. It wasn't so bad but it sure stuck with us a long time! It was actually quite beautiful but was getting a little scary on about the 3rd day in a row of it not stopping. I started having visions of it getting so deep it would cover the windows and I was getting very worried about how much was on the roof, especially on the skylights over my bed and over the living room! It makes me feel cold now to look at a picture of the snow but it's not very warm here anyway. We had a few days recently when it was very hot but ever since then it's in the 60's and 70's, not even warm enough to bother opening many windows, makes me feel guilty when I think of all the people suffering in the extreme heat in other parts of the country right now.

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